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Monday, 8th January 2024

ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ: Παράταση Καταληκτικής Ημερομηνίας Υποβολής Αιτήσεων

Η εταιρεία Dynamic Vision ανακοινώνει την παράταση της καταληκτικής ημερομηνίας υποβολής αιτήσεων για τη θέση "Communication Officer - DesirMED." Η νέα καταληκτική ημερομηνία υποβολής αιτήσεων είναι 12 Ιανουαρίου 2023.Η πρόσκληση αφορά την πρόσληψη ενός συνεργάτη που θα αναλάβει τον ρόλο του "Communication Officer" για το έργο με τίτλο "Demonstration and mainstreaming of nature-based solutions for climate resilient transformation in the Mediterranean - DesirMED." Το εν λόγω έργο είναι εγκεκριμένο στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος «Ορίζοντας Ευρώπη» 2021-2027, όπου η Dynamic Vision συμμετέχει ως εταίρος.


Thursday, 4th January 2024

Πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος Environmental Expert and Transfer Project Manager - INFIRE

για την πρόσληψη συνεργάτη στην εταιρεία Dynamic Vision και ειδικότερα για την συμμετοχή ως«Environmental Expert and Transfer Project Manager» στο πλαίσιο υλοποίησης του έργου «INnovative FInancing solutions for climate planning of REsilient and carbon neutral living areas - INFIRE» έργο εγκεκριμένο στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος Interreg Euro-MED της ΕΕ, στo οποίo συμμετέχει ως εταίρος η DYNAMIC VISION. Καταληκτική ημερομηνία υποβολής: 16/01/2024


Random Projects

Friday, 29th March 2024

DesirMED: Demonstration & mainstreaming of nature-based solutions for climate resilient transformation in the Mediterranean.

DesirMED is a project funded by HORIZON Europe Research and Innovation actions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission (HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01). DesirMED aims at increasing ambition, ownership and capability of regional Mediterranean leaders and communities through proven transformative climate change adaptation approaches prioritizing nature based solutions. To this aim DesirMED involves a multi-level set of actors in 5 Demonstrating regions and 3 Replicating Regions working hand-in-hand with scientific partners to foster holistic approaches to implement transformative adaptation. By engaging at the regional level key institutions in a multi-level governance framework, it will act as a catalyst to trigger and accelerate the necessary actions to increase regional climate resilience over the long run.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Programme under grant agreement No. 101112972

Total project cost: € 17,733,882.50

Total project funding: € 16,938,059.00

Duration: 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2028

Coordinating organization: CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

Partners: Fundacion Tecnalia Research and Innovation (ES) | Inova+ Innovation Services (PT) | Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis (GR) | Climate-KIK Holding BV (NL) | Stichting Deltares (NL) | Stichting Wageningen Research (NL) | Dynamic Vision (GR) | BwB Connect (IE) | Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (IT) |Splitsko-dalmatinska županija (HR) | Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (HR) | Municipio do Fundao (PT) | Generalitat Valenciana (ES) | Vaersa Valenciana de Aprovechamiento Energetico de Residuos (ES) | Medi XXI Gabinet de solucions ambientals (ES) | Perifereia Anatolikis Makedonias Kai Thrakis (GR) | Perifereiako Tameio Anaptyxis Anatolikis Makedonias Thrakis (GR) | Energeiako Grafeio Kyprion Politon (CY) | Provincia di Potenza (IT) | Istituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco (PT) | Associacao para um Centro de Estudos em desenvolvimento sustentavel (PT) | Comunidade Intermunicipal das Beiras e Serra de Estrela (PT) Dimos Pangaiou (GR) | European Public Law Organisation (GR) | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT) | Città Ricerche Territorio Innovazione Ambiente srl (IT) | Fondazione IMC Centro Marino Internazionale (IT) | University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (HR) | Udruga za Prirodu Okolis i Odrzivi Razvoj Sunce (HR) | Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CY) | Conseil National Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur (FR) | Union Internationale pour la conservation de la nature et de ses ressources (FR)


Monday, 15th June 2020

Minimising Energy Consumption for Green Buildings respecting present uses and public needs – GreenBuilding

Mediterranean countries need to reduce energy consumption and adverse environmental impacts due to the high dependence on fossil fuels. GreenBuilding project intends to tackle this challenge by promoting the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures in public buildings since renewable energies represent a natural competitive advantage for the Mediterranean. The project will support 3 cost-effective public buildings energy refurbishment in Greece, Tunisia and Jordan. Furthermore, it will strengthen the capacities of public institutions to effectively plan and implement sustainable energy policies, through the identification of cost-effective energy refurbishment approaches, transfer of technical know-how and the enhancement of higher research institutions, energy SMEs and business support organizations.

Acronym: GreenBuilding

Full title: Minimising Energy Consumption for Green Buildings respecting present uses and public needs

Thematic objective: B.4 Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation

Priority: B.4.3 Energy efficiency and renewable energy

Countries: Greece, Spain, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan

Total Budget: 2.2 million euro

EU Contribution: 1.9 million euro

Project co-financing: 10%

Website: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/greenbuilding

Monday, 25th November 2019

Interreg MED Modular project - BLUE DEAL - "Blue Energy Deployment Alliance"

The MED area will include Blue Energy (BE) in maritime planning and governance, thanks to BLUE DEAL project. Given the early stage of BE technologies, proper information to deliver consistent strategies, plans and regulations in the BE sector are still missing; this often compromises public-private initiatives for exploiting marine renewable energy and discourages investments. The project’s aim is to overcome current technical and administrative restrictions for BE deployment and define proper requirements and procedures to support decisions and guarantee compliance with regulatory, environmental and social constraints. BLUE DEAL foresights a series of transnational Labs to involve multi-sectorial stakeholders, perform participative planning processes and establish public-private alliances through open innovation actions.

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: Axis 1, sub-objective 1.1

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co financing rate: 85%

Total budget: 2,981,132.80 €

Project duration: 32 months

website: https://blue-deal.interreg-med.eu/

Monday, 25th November 2019

Interreg MED Modular project – BLUEfasma- "Empowering innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters and networks in MED islands and coastal areas to support blue circular economy growth in fishing/aquaculture"

BLUEfasma integrates and implements Circular Economy (CE) principles in the key blue growth sector of fishing/aquaculture to benefit MED insular/coastal areas in a novel/innovative way. The project team tackles the transnational challenge of continual depletion of natural resources and the below-EU-average MED CE innovation performance in fishing/aquaculture. Its overall objective is to empower innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters/networks, PAs to boost blue CE growth in insular/coastal areas. CE prevents depletion of resources by closing energy & materials loops, leading to smart/sustainable growth as a key MED joint asset.

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: Axis 1, sub-objective 1.1

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co financing rate: 85%

Total budget: 2,811,585.00 €

Project duration: 32 months

Website: https://bluefasma.interreg-med.eu/

Sunday, 10th November 2019

Interreg MED Horizontal Project - “Green Growth”

The Horizontal Project (HP) Green Growth aims to support the Modular Projects (MPs) under the Green Growth thematic of the Interreg MED Programme priority Axis 1 - Innovation. The HP Green Growth will act as a community of projects promoting a sustainable development by fostering innovation through an integrated and territorial based cooperation approach. The HP Green Growth will build upon achievements of the first phase HP SYNGGI and will further maximize the transnational replicability and capitalization potential of results. It will involve the Quadruple helix actors in Mobilization and Mutual Learning workshops and training and matchmaking sessions to share their best practices in the field of green growth and to promote the effective transfer of concrete results into regional/national policies. The expected outcomes will facilitate the creation of multi-stakeholders shared actions plans to highlight new opportunities and to unlock market potentials.

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: Axis 1, sub-objective 1.1

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co financing rate: 85%

Total budget: 1,459,999.99 €

Project duration: 32 months

Website: https://green-growth.interreg-med.eu/